Dart Documentationlogging

logging library

Support for logging.

For information on installing and importing this library, see the logging package on pub.dartlang.org.


By default, the logging package does not do anything useful with the log messages. You must configure the logging level and add a handler for the log messages.

Here is a simple logging configuration that logs all messages via print.

Logger.root.level = Level.ALL;
Logger.root.onRecord.listen((LogRecord rec) {
  print('${rec.level.name}: ${rec.time}: ${rec.message}');

First, set the root Level. All messages at or above the level are sent to the onRecord stream.

Then, listen on the onRecord stream for LogRecord events. The LogRecord class has various properties for the message, error, logger name, and more.

Logging messages

Create a Logger with a unique name to easily identify the source of the log messages.

final Logger log = new Logger('MyClassName');

Here is an example of logging a debug message and an error:

Future future = doSomethingAsync();
future.then((result) {
  log.fine('Got the result: $result');
.catchError((e, stackTrace) => log.severe('Oh noes!', e, stackTrace));

See the Logger class for the different logging methods.


bool hierarchicalLoggingEnabled #

Whether to allow fine-grain logging and configuration of loggers in a hierarchy. When false, all logging is merged in the root logger.

bool hierarchicalLoggingEnabled = false

